Permian Basin operations

XTO Energy is the most active operator in the Permian Basin.


XTO Energy is the most active operator in the Permian Basin. With offices in Midland, Texas, Coyanosa, Texas, and Carlsbad, N.M., XTO has close to 800 employees in the Permian Basin, and expects to ramp up substantially over the next several years. Since 2014, we have grown our Permian portfolio to a high-quality resource base of approximately 10 billion barrels today. By as early as 2024, we plan to increase our production in the basin to 1 million barrels of oil-equivalent per day. 

The increased activity in the Permian Basin today is underpinned by innovation. Recent advances in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing have opened a wealth of new opportunities and have made the Permian incredibly attractive in ExxonMobil’s global portfolio of oil and gas resources.

Key Statistics

XTO Energy holds more than 1.6 million acres in the Permian Basin.

XTO plans to increase total daily production to 1 million oil-equivalent barrels by as early as 2024 from our operations in the Permian Basin in West Texas and New Mexico.

To help achieve our growth targets, XTO horizontal rig count in the Permian is expected to increase to approximately 55 by year-end 2019.

XTO has close to 800 employees in the Permian Basin.

In 2017, ExxonMobil and XTO Energy contributed nearly $35 million to higher education, medical care, environmental research and arts and civic organizations in Texas and New Mexico.

Safety and environmental responsibility

As we expand our presence in the Permian, safety and environmental responsibility remain paramount. Our continued aim is to conduct our business operations in a safe, environmentally responsible manner that minimizes our environmental footprint and allows each employee and contractor to leave work in the same safe manner in which they came to work.

In 2017, XTO implemented a methane management program to mitigate emissions associated with our operations. Through the program XTO has made significant progress in reducing emissions across our operations.

In April 2018, XTO began a pilot program at our James Ranch facility in New Mexico to evaluate new technologies in our efforts to reduce emissions. The facility incorporates low-emission technologies and will serve as a model for future development. Learn about the low-emission technologies we're using at our facilities in the Permian Basin.

Community engagement

We are proud to be a part of the communities in which we operate in the Permian Basin. Our employees and their families live and work in these communities, so we take pride in giving back. Activities include volunteer time and philanthropic contributions in support of local schools, engagement with the local fire and sheriff departments, United Way, the city and community organizations.

Through a donation from XTO, the Carlsbad, N.M. police department was able to add two trained canine officers to the force. We're proud to support law enforcement throughout the Permian Basin.

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Permian Basin

XTO Energy is a major operator in the Permian Basin.

Operating areas

We operate throughout the United States, from the Permian Basin and the Bakken to Appalachia. We hold more than 9.5 million acres with a total resource base of approximately 18.5 billion oil equivalent barrels. We also provide operational support for unconventional resource development in Argentina.