Public awareness

XTO is committed to working with the public to keep our communities safe. This commitment requires compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, facilities that are designed and operated to high standards, and systematic identification and management of safety, health and environmental risks.

Here’s how you can help keep our pipelines safe:

Don’t Take Chances — Call Before You Dig

Damage from excavation-related activities is a leading cause of pipeline accidents. If you are a homeowner, farmer, excavator or developer, we need your help in preventing pipeline emergencies. If you are considering a project like building a pool, or a fence, widening a driveway or planting trees, call 811 before you dig.

Here’s what to do:

  1. Call 811 at least two business days before excavation is scheduled to begin.
  2. Some states may vary. State specific information can be found at
  3. Do not begin work until a trained technician has come to mark the location of any pipelines in your area. This will be at no cost to you.
  4. Adhere to the pipeline markers.

What To Do If A Leak Occurs

  • Leave the area immediately. Do not travel downwind.
  • Do not touch, breathe or make contact with leaking liquids.
  • Do not light a match, start an engine, use a telephone, switch on/off light switches or do anything that may create a spark.
  • Do not drive into a leak or vapor cloud area.
  • Call 911 or your local emergency response number from a safe location. Then call XTO’s emergency number for your area, provide your name, phone number, description of the leak and its location. Warn others to stay away.

Trust Your Senses

If you see, hear or smell any of the below, it may indicate a pipeline leak. It is important to always be aware.

Sight: A pool of liquid on the ground near a pipeline; a rainbow sheen on water; a dense white cloud or fog over a pipeline; discolored vegetation; unnatural frost or ice in the pipeline right-of-way or on the tank battery or well location equipment.

Sound: An unusual noise coming from the pipeline, like a hissing or roaring sound.

Smell: An unusual chemical odor such as gasoline or oil. A strange odor in the area similar to the smell of rotten eggs.

Keep Pipeline Right of Ways Safe

  • Keep the rights of way near or on your property clear of any kind of obstruction. 
  • Property owners should not dig, build, store, place or plant anything on the right of way. 
  • Pipeline rights of way must be kept free of structures and other obstructions in order to provide us access to the pipeline for maintenance, as well as in the event of an emergency.

Pipeline safety information brochures

As part of our public awareness program, we provide pipeline education and public safety information to our pipeline neighbors. Brochures are mailed annually and describe how to prevent pipeline damage and how to recognize, report and respond to accidents if they occur.


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